Summit Educational Foundation (SEF) welcomes grant proposals from any Summit Public School staff member.
We encourage collaboration across schools, grades, and departments.
Bring innovation to academic programs, support student growth or provide staff development.
Enhance the current curriculum and educational structure of the Summit Public Schools.
Reflect the goals of the Summit Board of Education.
Include metrics to measure project success and can be replicated if successful.
Grants that replace or relieve existing responsibility for public funding of school programs.
Grants submitted by an outside party that do not collaborate with a district staff member.
Substitute teachers or stipends above the SEA contract rate.
Generally, transportation, lodging, food, field trips, consumable classroom materials and t-shirts.
Grant Deadlines
Oct. 15 (awarded in December) and March 15 (awarded in May).

1. Thoroughly review the SEF application guidelines - SEF works closely with the Summit Board of Education and grants must be consistent with their objectives.
2. All grant applications must be approved by your building principal.
● TIP: Be prepared to show the grant purpose and how it supports district goals, an implementation plan, district-approved vendor and cost details.
● NOTE: Your Principal may also review your proposal with the Director of Curriculum + Instruction, and /or the Business Office for final recommendation.
● NOTE: For furniture grants, your Principal may also discuss your proposal with the Director of Curriculum + Instruction for final recommendation.
● NOTE: If a grant has a technology component, your Principal may also discuss your proposal with the District Technology Director for final recommendation
● NOTE: For grants that affect facilities, your Principal may also discuss your proposal with the District Building & Grounds Director for final recommendation.
3. At the elementary level, author visit grants must come from the librarian and involve two or more schools.
1. All grant applications must include an itemized quote from a district-approved vendor
● Contact your building secretary for a list of district approved vendors
● Per updated district guidelines, if any single item, or multiple purchases of the same item within a grant application exceeds $6600, obtain three (3) itemized quotes as required to ensure best pricing.
● Include the quote(s) in pdf form on your application AND the item detail for the preferred vendor
● TIP: Shopping Cart does not lock in pricing and does not qualify as a quote
2. Include all shipping and handling costs in your quote
3. Do not include tax costs on your quote (the district is tax-exempt).
4. When possible, lock-in pricing for 90 days to account for grant application and approval process timing.
● TIP: Notify vendors that the earliest purchases will be made 3 months from the time of the quote in order to maximize the price lock.
● NOTE: Amazon orders MUST have prior approval from the Business Office.
To view the SEF Application Checklist click the yellow button below:
1. SEF has two grant cycles per year: September 1 - October 15 (Fall) and February 1 - March 15 (Spring).
2. Grant applications are submitted online. The online application LINK is only active during the open grant cycles.
2a. The application link is now open. Click here to access the application page.
3. Attach supporting documentation in pdf form.
4. If you need help, reach out to our Grants Chair by email at grants@sefnj.org or contact your school SEF Representative.
All grants go through a four-step review process.
A volunteer SEF Link will reach out to ask questions and learn more about your grant request. This is your chance to go into more detail and share your passion for the grant. The Link will report back to the Grants Committee.
Grants are awarded at the December and May Board of Education meetings. Funds are available for 18 months after approval unless the grant specifies a multi-year expense.
Contact grants@sefnj.org for more information.
Grant submitted by deadline.
All grants reviewed with Superintendent and other district staff.
Grants Committee Meets SEF Link assigned
Link contacts applicant with questions and reports back to Committee
Committee recommends grants to SEF Board
SEF Board reviews recommendations and votes
SEF presents approved grants to the Board of Education